Friday, April 25, 2008

Three rose breasted grosbeaks... and soon after 4!

and an American goldfinch

and then there were four, plus the goldfinch and a red bellied woodpecker!
Spare me! I must get back to work and stop watching the grosbeaks multiply!Looks like one female grosbeak on the left.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Colorful Birds

Kip's bluebird has laid 5 eggs. But his feeder still attracts colorful birds. I was thrilled to see a rose breasted grosbeak with the ever present goldfinch.

Just seconds after I captured this picture, an indigo bunting appeared (but maybe it is a blue grosbeak?).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kip's Bluebirds

Kip is trying to attract bluebirds with mealy worms and seems they work!